It is quite remarkable that, in the last decade, the smart phone has completely revolutionized our society. There is no longer a need to call for a taxi; Uber allows users to order a car and driver from just about anywhere with the touch of a button. It’s no longer mandatory to go to a bank to deposit a check, thanks to mobile deposit services. A simple QR code on a phone has replaced printed boarding passes in airports. Pizza can be ordered by texting an emoji. Individually, these are just small changes but when all of the mobile innovations are looked at together, it is easy to see how much has really changed. Mobility is more than just a trend; it is a new way of living and conducting business.


So what does this mean for a business owner or entrepreneur? First, it’s important to recognize that, in this new world, there is now the expectation that your company is mobile friendly. We no longer live in a world where having mobile offerings is just an option; it is mandatory to ensure best chances at success. This means that clients will expect you to offer WiFi in your establishment, your website must be mobile-friendly, and it is even encouraged that every company develop its own mobile app. While this adds operating concerns, there are great benefits. With a mobile app and a mobile-friendly website, a company can provide digital coupons and loyalty programs that drive sales and provide analytics.


Next, your company will have to be highly concerned with technology innovation. This applies in a few key ways. You will need to work on your own product and service innovations because this will be key to staying competitive in your market. Your competitors will also be trying to create unique ways to reach customers, and mobility will drive much of this, so it’s important to stay on the cusp of mobility trends. In addition, your company should work hard to stay up to date with the latest technologies and be prepared to make decisions on how and if these new products should be implemented into your daily operations.


Last, owners and operators should be highly concerned with how mobility is changing how to connect with customers. In a world dominated by digital screens, it can often be easy to lose the personal touches that foster customer loyalty. Most customers will be looking for a balance between the convenience that technology provides and the satisfaction and affirmation that a personal connection with your company provides.


Mobility is more than a trend; it has greatly affected our daily lives and there are no signs of this changing. For most companies, adapting to this new way of life and business may be challenging, but the effects are overall rewarding. The goal is to be aware of what is changing and take advantage of every competitive advantage that it provides.


Co-contributor: Joe Easton